Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Southern Studies


Southern Studies

First Advisor

Andy Harper

Second Advisor

Ted Ownby

Third Advisor

Kathryn McKee

Relational Format



The “Prancing J-Settes” is the official name of the dance line for the Sonic Boom of the South marching band at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. The popular form of dance termed “J-Setting” sources its name from the Prancing J-Settes. The Sonic Boom of the South and the Prancing J-Settes have a loyal fan following and have had a lasting and widespread influence on popular culture. This is an oral history interview project focusing on the current Prancing J-Settes themselves to hear their thoughts and definitions of the form of dance they perform and its significance. The primary interviews for this project highlight current and former members of the Prancing J-Settes and their current director. This paper accompanies a short documentary film completed on the same topic. All interviews were conducted between 2015-2016. The current Prancing J-Settes featured in this project were on the dance line for the 2015-2016 season.



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