Electronic Theses and Dissertations
eGrove provides long-term access and preservation services for the intellectual and creative output of the university’s academic, research, and administrative communities, including graduate theses and dissertations. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the thesis or dissertation you are seeking, a physical copy might be available in the UM Libraries' collections. Please check the library catalog.
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Undergraduate Theses from the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College are listed separately.
Graduate Students trying to upload their work to eGrove: As of September 10, 2024, graduate students need only submit their work to ProQuest. Theses and dissertations will be harvested into eGrove on a schedule.
Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Communications
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
'Mark My Words' : Measuring Personality of Global Leaders, Mahesh Acharya
Mental Health in Rural Mississippi Counties: Experiences and Beliefs of African American Pastors, Angela R. Adams
Space Allocation in Academic Health Sciences Libraries: Decisions and Outcomes in a New Paradigm, Sarah C. Adcock
Branching Fraction Measurements of Ξc + → Σ+h+h− and Λc + → p+h+h− Using Belle II Monte Carlo, Azwad Adnan
Moonshine and Meanness: Unearthing Noir's Rural Roots, 1920-1955, Jacob Kane Agner
Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Frictions, David Agyeman-Duodu
Isolation of Novel Myxobacteria and Progress Towards Heterologous Expression of Uncharacterized Secondary Metabolites, Andrew Ahearne
Structural and Binding Studies of Marine Glycans with Potential Therapeutic Use, Hoda Alsayed Mohamed Ahmed
Bacterial Metallophores as Potential Agents in Heavy Metal Bioremediation, Mohammed Ahmed
The Perceived Effects on the Motivation, Anxiety, and Online Language Learning of Saudi EFL Learners During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Ali Hasan Alamry
Elucidating the Mechanisms of Myosin II Force Feedback and Coordination in Actomyosin Ensembles, Omayma Alazzam
Attitudes toward Arabic-accented Speech in English, Sarah Aldossari
3D-Printed Clay Composites for Lunar Habitats: Graphene and Simulant Integration, Omar Algharibeh
Investigation of Evolution in Fungal Traits at Multiple Genetic Scales, Brooke Allen
Motivation and Attitudes Toward Learning English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study of Urban and Rural University Freshmen in Saudi Arabia, Munif Almasarir
Acculturation and Seeking Campus Counseling Services among Saudi International Students in the United States: An Intrepretative Phenomenological Analysis, Abdullah Almutairi
English Loanwords in The Colloquial Saudi Qahtani Arabic, Abdullah Ayidh J. Alqahtani
English Language Teachers’ Perspective on the Applicability of the Language Assessment Frameworks Used in Saudi Arabian Universities, Asmahan Ghazi Alqahtani
Linguistic Gender Differences in English among Saudi Medical Students in Online Courses, Ala Mohammed Alshahrani
Language Variation: Arabic Dialects in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, Arwa Alsindy
Three Discourse Markers in the Najdi Arabic Dialect of Riyadh: A Pragmatic Analysis, Salman Altamimi
Essays on Institutions and Growth, Fouzia Zafar Awan
Grace Satellite Spatial Resolution Downscaling Using Machine Learning: Methods and Applications, Abdel Rahman M. Awawdeh
Atomistic Simulation of PFAS And Graphene: Interactions for Water Applications, Bashar Moufeed Awawdeh
"Partnership Housing:" Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter, and the Politics of Self-Help, Colton Babbitt
Nourishing Narratives: A Photovoice Exploration of Black Maternal Nutrition in Tennessee, Carissa Bacon
Investment Decisions of Institutional Investors, Sunghan Bae
The Role of L1 Dialect Phonotactics on the Production of L2 English Phonotactics by Saudi EFL Learners, Abdullah Ahmad Balbaid
Impact of Graphene Nanoplatelets on the Fresh, Static, and Dynamic Properties of Cement Paste, Bassil Bataineh
But I'm Black and White: Exmining responses to Multriacial individuals' claims of discrimination, Adam Joseph Beam
Title Character: A Novel, Di Bei
The Evaluation of an Induction and Mentoring Program to Improve Teacher Turnover, Tulawna Desha Belcher
Exploring the Perspectives of Black Male Students at an HBCU in Rural Mississippi and the Role Non-cognitive Factors Within a First-year Experience Program Play in their Continued Enrollment, Billy J. Benson, Jr.
Developing and Validating A Novel Screening Instrument for General Psychological Distress, Steven M. Bishop
Indirect and direct pathways of migratory shorebird effects on nitrogen cycling within temporarily flooded agricultural fields, Victoria Blocker
The Bishop and the Jesuit: Catholic Influence on Succession Polemic in the Long Seventeenth Century, Troy Dallas Bone
A Longitudinal Study of Mississippi’s Achievement Scores and School Ratings Based on Principal Preparation, Brittaney Boyd
Tennessee's Mississippi: an audio documentary, Michelle Bright
The Relationship Between Nutrient Intake and Performance Recovery in NCAA Softball Athletes, Derionne Brooks
North MS FoodRx Farm-to-Farmacy: A Home Delivery Local Food Prescription Model, Cameron De'Cal Brown
A Case for Digital Coaches, Elise Brown
Shape-Shifting in Literary Commemorations to Emmett Till, Chase Almquist Browning
Race/Ethnicity and Gender Preferences in the Small Firm Exempt Offering Market, Mercer Bullard
Student Leadership in the Musical Ensemble: A Descriptive Study, Anna Bullock
Effects of Multiple Stressors on Pseudomonas Fluorescens Over Short and Long Timescales, Parisa Burchfield
Explainable AI for Neural Text Classification Models: Robustness and Knowledge Locality, Christopher Burger
Design of topical ocular drug delivery systems for management of eye keratitis, Chuntian Cai
Applied Research for Improving the Behavior Intervention Process with the Help of School Counselors, Teachers, and Administrators, Amberly T. Chapman
Vascular Adaptations to Single Sprint Training, Matthew Alexander Chatlaong
Formulation development of simvastatin self-emulsifying drug delivery system using Hot melt extrusion, Srikanth Chilamula
Perceived Use of True-Self-As-Guide and Decision Satisfaction in Self-Control Conflicts, Madelyn Church
How French-Produced and North American-Produced French Textbooks Differ in the Teaching of French and Francophone Culture, Elizabeth Clauss
Social Capital: The Link Between State Political Culture and Civic and Political Participation, Austin Marie Conner
Applying Dynamics and Geophysical Methods to Hawaiian Volcanic Terrains and Lava Flows, Brody K. Conner
DIXIELAND DO SUL: Brazilian Racial Democracy and the Recontextualization of Transnational Confederate Symbols (Vol. 1), Maximilian Xavier Conrad
DIXIELAND DO SUL: Brazilian Racial Democracy and the Recontextualization of Transnational Confederate Symbols (Vol. 2), Maximilian Xavier Conrad
Portraits of Dayton, Alabama: Images of Women and Place in the Antebellum South, Laura Corran Conte
On Inference-Time Adversaries in Object Detection Models, Soumil Datta
An Intervention For Intervention: An Applied Research Study To Improve The Response To Instruction And Intervention Program At An Urban Elementary School, Regina L. DeLoach
Development of Fenofibrate Solid Dispersion Via Hot Melt Extrusion and 3D Printing Technologies, Janhavi Santosh Deshmukh
More than a Feeling: Materializing Sympathy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Kathleen Downes
Perceived Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Barriers Facing Saudi Female Partners Learning English, Samah Mohamad Dulli
Godspeed: American Evangelicals and the Space Race, Kari Edwards
Remembering the Civil War in Indian Territory: Conflict, Commemoration, and the Birth of a State, 1861-1965, Sarah Elliott
Formulation Design and Development for Extended-Release Drug Delivery System, Sheng Feng
Mississippi's America: Late Southern Writing on National Themes, Jacob Fennell
"A Transient Veil": Appropriation of Exclusionary Form in Eighteenth-Century Women's Writing, Andrea Ferniany
Do Storytelling and Survival Processing Have Additive Effects on Recall Performance?, Zoe Helena Fischer
Water Insecurity in K-12 Schools in the U.S.: Understanding State Laws, Drinking Water Violations, and Lived Experiences, Shannon O'Donnell FitzGerald
Cationic Charge-Shifting Polymers as Improved Vectors for Nucleic Acid Delivery, Alexander Fortenberry
On Independent Bondage Number and Total Bondage Number of Graphs, Kanchana Madhumali Gamlath Esweda Gamladdalage
Moxifloxacin-Loaded Ophthalmic Nanoemulsions, Mona M. Geweda
Exploring the Role of Chief Marketing Officer in Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, Aisha Ghimire
The Effects of Technology-Enhanced Learning on Radiologic Sciences Student Engagement, Zack Gray
In Service, Marina Greenfeld
Using the Disc Personality Assessment to Enhance Organizational Climate and Culture at a Mississippi University, Brian Carlyle Grizzell
Black Oasis in a Hostile Desert: African Americans and the Making of Race and Place in Phoenix, Arizona 1890-1970, Donald R. Guillory
Imaginative Play in the Inculcation of Creativity as an Intellectual Virtue, Annie Elisabet Gustafsson
Ecological and Evolutionary Ramifications of Host-Parasite Interaction in Aquatic and Model Ecosystems, Akacia Halliday-Isaac
Exploring African American Female Students' Choice of STEM Major at Rust College, ShaTara Hall
Substance Use Amongst Veterans Following Post-Deployment Reintegration: An Examination Through the Lens of Acculturation, Brittany Hampton
Community Engagement/Involvement in School Life: Connecting the Missing Pieces Between School and Community, Shanika Hardy-Hickmon
Examining the Relationship Between Toddlers’ Sleep Patterns, Negative Parenting, and Executive Function, Morgan Elizabeth Harris
Rovibrational Characterization of Astrochemically-relevant Small Oxides, Olivia Ann Harwick
Error and f -Divergence Analysis of Generative Adversarial Network, Mahmud Hasan
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Graduate Portfolio on LeBonheur Children's Hospital Initiatives, James Lee Hawkins
Spatial Variation of Microbial Communities in Aquatic Ecosystems in the Southeastern United States, Jordan Heiman
Exploring the Habits and Perceptions of True Crime Podcast Listeners, Remy Heinen
Measurements of Charge Parity Asymmetry in Λc+ → p+h+h−, Dinura Udayana Hetiiarachchi
Running in the Rain: Stories, Vinh Hoang
Formulation Development and Characterization of Isoniazid-Pyridoxine Combination Gummies Using an Extrusion-Based 3D Printer, Aditi Rajendra Holkunde
The Interaction Between Anxiety Sensitivity and Sleep in Relation to Alcohol Use Among College Students, Kayce McClellan Hopper