Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
M.S. in Engineering Science
Geology and Geological Engineering
First Advisor
Adnan Aydin
Second Advisor
Louis G. Zachos
Third Advisor
Leonardo Macelloni
Relational Format
Reflection seismology is the most comand effective method to gather information on the earth interior. The quality of seismic images is highly variable depending on the complexity of the underground and on how seismic data are acquired and processed. One of the crucial steps in this process, especially in layered sequences with complicated structure, is the time and/or depth migration of seismic data. The primary purpose of the migration is to increase the spatial resolution of seismic images by repositioning the recorded seismic signal back to its original point of reflection in time/space, which enhances information about the complex structure. In this study, our objective is to process a seismic dataset (courtesy of the University of South Carolina) to generate an image on which the Magruder fault near Allendale SC can be distinguished, and its attitude can be accurately depicted. The data was gathered by commid-point method with 60 geophones equally spaced along an about 550 m long traverse over a nearly flat ground. In the future, we will apply different migration algorithms (including finite-difference and Kirchhoff), and the results will be compared in time and depth domains to investigate the efficiency of each algorithm in reducing the processing time and improving the accuracy of seismic images in reflecting the correct position of the Magruder fault.
Recommended Citation
Alamooti, Moones, "A Comparative Case Study of Reflection Seismic Imaging Method" (2018). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1317.
Emphasis: Geological Engineering