Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
M.A. in Psychology
First Advisor
Alan M. Gross
Second Advisor
Carrie V. Smith
Third Advisor
Nicolaas Prins
Relational Format
The present study sought to provide a better understanding of the factor structure of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, Second Edition (LASSI-2) at the item to scale level (via confirmatory factor analysis) and to expand the LASSI-2's psychometric properties (i.e., means, standard deviations, alpha coefficients, and correlations of the LASSI-2's scale scores) as well as examine for potential sex differences in the LASSI-2 scale scores (via t tests with Cohen's d also being calculated) with a sample of 420 university students. The means, standard deviations, and alpha coefficients of the 10 LASSI-2 scales for the current data appeared comparable to those reported in the LASSI-2 manual and studies in the literature examining the LASSI-2. Additionally, the range of the correlations among the LASSI-2 scales in the current study was comparable to the range of correlations that the LASSI-2 manual reported. There were statistically significant sex differences in the scale scores of the LASSI-2's Anxiety, Study Aids, and Attitude scales; however, the effect sizes for these scales suggested that these were only moderately small differences. With regard to the LASSI-2's factor structure, the 10-scale structure proposed in the LASSI-2's manual was not sufficiently supported; however, post hoc analyses examining the LASSI-2's scales individually indicated that the Anxiety, Attitude, Study Aids, and Test Strategies scales had good structural support. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.
Recommended Citation
Hill, Kwoneathia, "A Factor-Analytic Study of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, Second Edition (Lassi-2) in a Sample of University Students" (2012). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 134.