Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Ed.D. in Education
Leadership and Counselor Education
First Advisor
Douglas R. Davis
Second Advisor
Susan McClelland
Third Advisor
Michael Mott
Relational Format
This applied research study sought to improve the retention rate of beginning teachers through a teacher mentoring program. The need for the teacher retention rate to improve became evident as student achievement fell, new teacher training costs increased, and fewer new teachers entered the teaching profession. Using four elements in this study, mentoring, job-embedded coaching, individual growth plan, and culture development, the program sought to better support new teachers during the first few years of their careers. Surveys, evaluations, collaboration logs, and professional growth plans were used in the study. The findings revealed improvement in the teacher retention rate in the district and can provide educators with information, including an action plan, to implement a beginning teacher mentoring program.
Recommended Citation
Weeks, Jimmy Holland, "Increasing Teacher Retention: An Applied Research Study on the Effects of Mentoring and Culture in the ABC County School District" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1621.