"Connecting Thread" by Christen Parker
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.F.A. in Art


Art and Art History

First Advisor

Durant Thompson

Second Advisor

Virginia Rougon Chavis

Third Advisor

Brooke White

Relational Format



Up until about the 1960’s, sculpture was dominated by work made with metal, wood, or stone. These materials would be described as “hard” or “masculine,” while materials such as fabric or yarn are described as “soft” or “feminine.” Fabric is known for its softness and malleability and is commonly used to cover the human body for objects such as clothing or bedding. The materials that I have selected are generally considered soft, yet protective, but are also thought of as insubstantial and fragile. As a child, I would see quilts and hear stories about how my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother sewed. Although they were unable to teach me the process of sewing, I have found a great appreciation for it over the past two years through the manipulation of textiles to make abstract sculptures. My work has always drifted towards materials and imagery that are feminine, while maintaining an interest in increased scale and the alteration of space. Connecting Thread creates a connection between textile-based sculptures and comforting memories provoked from the viewer. In this work, textiles are used to generate a connection between these two things and by linking these ideas, the work can be associated with mundane, domestic objects while also creating a deeper personal connection between myself, the viewer, and the work.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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