Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Anthropology

First Advisor

Maureen Meyers

Second Advisor

Edmond Boudreaux


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



Stone discoidals are widely recognized as a class of artifacts associated with Mississippian cultural traditions and even some of its various descendant communities. Excavations at the Carter Robinson site a Fourteenth Century Mississippian frontier site in Lee County Virginia have revealed evidence of the production of stone discoidals. Although craft production in Mississippian societies has been the subject of much debate little to no attention has been given to the production of stone discoidals. The purpose of this thesis is to explicate the method of stone discoidal production at Carter Robinson and to explore how this production was organized overtime at the site in order to better understand what role this production played in the political economy of this frontier chiefdom.



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