Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Ph.D. in Education
First Advisor
Nichelle Robinson
Second Advisor
Sara Platt
University of Mississippi
Relational Format
The purpose of this sequential-explanatory mixed methods study was to first determine what impact if any did Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) have on the number of office disciplinary referrals (ODRs) received by students after three years of implementation. The second part of the study was to obtain feedback through interviews from the administrator and certified teachers on their perspectives of PBIS implementation in this rural alternative school setting. Quantitative data was collected first folloby the collection of the qualitative data. This method of data collection was necessary in order for the researcher to make better sense of quantitative findings through the use of qualitative feedback. Quantitative data was collected from the School Wide Information System (SWIS) database a system used by the school district to store ODR data. The qualitative component was analyzed from the PBIS school-wide evaluation tool (SET) and emerging themes from interview data. Findings from this study indicate PBIS does not have a significant impact on the number of ODRs received by students. Analyzation of interview questions using the SET indicates a lack of implementing PBIS with full fidelity. In addition to this five themes developed through interview data indicating various aspects of PBIS implementation in this rural alternative school setting as well as concerns with implementation which are consistent with the quantitative analysis and fidelity testing.
Recommended Citation
Harges, Alina Michelle, "Positive behavior intervention and supports impact on discipline in an alternative school" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1758.