Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Ph.D. in Physics
First Advisor
Breese Quinn
Second Advisor
Breese Quinn
Third Advisor
Nathan Hammer
Relational Format
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab (E989) aims to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu}= (g-2)/2$, to a groundbreaking precision of $140$ ppb, obtaining a near four-fold increase in precision over the previous experiment, E821, at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The value of $a_{\mu}$ from BNL currently differs from the Standard Model prediction by $\sim 3.7$ standard deviations, suggesting the potential for new physics and therefore, motivating a new experiment.Because the theory predicts this number with high precision, testing the g-factor through experiment provides a stringent test of the SM and can suggest physics beyond the Standard Model. The goal of the Fermilab Muon $g-2$ experiment is to increase the statistical precision by more than a factor of 20 and reduce systematic errors by a factor of 3. By measuring muon precession rate ($\omega_a$) in an external magnetic field, the anomalous magnetic moment will be calculated. This is an incredibly challenging experiment with a unique opportunity to provide new insight into nature. \\ The $g-2$ data also provides a great opportunity for setting the most stringent limits on some of the Standard Model Extension CPT Lorentz violating (LV) parameters in the muon sector. One of the CPT and Lorentz violating signatures that we can look for using $g-2$ data is a sidereal variation of $\omega_a(t)$. Extensive simulation studies confirm that the sensitivity regarding the sidereal varation roughly scales with $\omega_a$ uncertainty. Hence, the $g-2$ experiment at FNAL should be able to reach limits of $\sim 5\times10^{-25}$ GeV. Because the CPT and LV analyses are essentially studies of variations in $\omega_a$ as a function of time and charge, performing an $\omega_a$ analysis sets the stage for the CPT and LV measurement. This dissertation focuses on the methodology of a fully functioning framework and analyzing the Fermilab Muon $g - 2$ Run 2 data containing $\sim 11$ billion events above an energy threshold of $1.7$~GeV.
Recommended Citation
Bhattacharya, Meghna, "SEARCH FOR CPT AND LORENTZ INVARIANCE VIOLATION IN THE MUON g-2 EXPERIMENT AT FERMILAB" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1987.