Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


First Advisor

Saim Kashmiri

Second Advisor

Barry Babin

Third Advisor

John Bentley

Relational Format



All three essays of this dissertation are under the umbrella of retail management and study the phenomenon of retail management from the following perspectives: retailers’ multichannel strategy, retailers’ store operation management, and retailers’ securities lawsuits likelihood. Specifically, the first essay studies the effect of a channel integration strategy called buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store on retailers’ stock value. The second essay studies the relationship between a retailer’s top management team (TMT) confidence and the store overexpansion. The third essay studies how TMT confidence is associated with securities class action (SCA) litigation. Essays 1 and 2 focus on retailers’ channel decision whereas Essays 2 and 3 focus on retailers’ top management team characteristics and how TMT confidence influences retailer outcomes. All three studies apply a contingency framework to demonstrate the importance of external and internal variables in driving the main relationships. Specifically, hypotheses are developed to consider the moderating effects of internal (e.g., retailer strategy, retailer competency, corporate governance, comparable sales) and external (e.g., industry e-tail prevalence, industry concentration, industry growth) contingencies.

Included in

Marketing Commons



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