Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Anthropology

First Advisor

Edmond A. Boudreaux

Second Advisor

Maureen S. Meyers

Third Advisor

Robbie F. Ethridge

Relational Format



The goal for this thesis was to conduct the first archaeological research at Prospect Hill plantation and to create a baseline that can be used to understand the spatial layout of the plantation and provide archaeological evidence of the enslaved people who lived there. Prospect Hill is located in southwest Mississippi and was founded in 1808 by Captain Isaac Ross. The archaeological work done at Prospect Hill was a survey of approximately 10 acres that surrounds the main house. After this survey, the artifacts were classified into two categories: chronological and functional. From this analysis, a series of patterns were identified at certain locations at Prospect Hill. The results of the survey include identifying the probable location of the kitchen that served the main house and another area used by tenant farmers that also might have been the location of houses for earlier enslaved people at the plantation. This thesis serves as an example of the contributions that archaeology can make in understanding



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