Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Business Administration

First Advisor

Hyun-Woo Joung

Second Advisor

Eun-Kyong Choi

Third Advisor

Tanya Ruetzler


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



This study investigated the predictors of the continuance intention of using online food delivery applications (OFD apps) in the context of U.S. consumers with food allergies. Extending the UTAUT2 model with two context-specific variables, perceived risk, and trust, the current study tested the relationships in the extended model. A self-administered online survey was conducted to collect a sample of 293 U.S. OFD app users with food allergies and the extended UTAUT2 model was tested using a three-step hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that habit and trust were the only significant constructs that predict the continuance intention of OFD app users with food allergies. The findings of the study contribute to the existing literature on the UTAUT2 framework and OFD apps in the foodservice industry. The findings also provide critical insights for OFD apps and the restaurants that utilize the OFD apps to help them better understand their customers and improve their services.





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