"The Impact of Blended Classroom Pedagogy on Student GPA in a Community" by Sarah Mattox Holt
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Education

First Advisor

Phillis George

Second Advisor

Amy Wells-Dolan

Third Advisor

Patrick Perry


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



America is facing a shortage of STEM workers and colleges must meet the demand by educating qualified graduates. However, attrition rates are high in STEM classes, particularly in minority groups. Blended learning has increased in popularity in higher education over recent years and has the potential to improve current teaching practices. Yet, limited research centers on the success of blended learning implemented in a community college STEM course. This quantitative research study (N=1264) was designed to evaluate student success in the blended learning environment versus traditional environment in an introductory community college biology course for science majors. The study indicated there was a significant difference in the average final grade of the two groups with students in the traditional group scoring higher. Additionally, the study explored if the effect of the blended pedagogy differed among specific student groups. There was a significant difference in the average final grade with students scoring higher in the traditional course than in the blended course in all student groups. Study findings, implications for future research, and recommendations for practice were discussed.


Higher Education

Available for download on Friday, February 07, 2025
