Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Education

First Advisor

Richard S. Balkin

Second Advisor

Stephanie L. Lusk-Smith

Third Advisor

Mandy L. Perryman


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



With influences from both cultural norms and commonly held spiritual beliefs, members of the Latinx population are vulnerable to enabling unhealthy interpersonal relationships that primarily benefit others while potentially harming their own wellness. A Spanish translation (called the Inventario del Perdón y Reconciliación [IPR]) for the Forgiveness and Reconciliation Inventory (FRI) was created to identify its validity and reliability as a potential clinical resource for Spanish speaking mental health counseling clients dealing with the emotional difficulties of forgiveness and unjust cultural expectations within their relationships. Factor analysis on the IPR reported comparable yet slightly reduced psychometric properties to the FRI. Additional analyses were conducted to evaluate the relationship/differences between participants’ IPR scores based on their scores on a Spanish translation of the Index of Core Spiritual Experiences (INSPIRITS), as well as a group comparison between the original participants of the FRI and the new IPR participants. As participants reported stronger religious/spiritual beliefs within their life, participants were more likely to perceive that their transgressor did not show remorse/change yet were more likely to perceive their relationship with the transgressor as beneficial in the long-term. Findings provided evidence of participants enabling unhealthy interpersonal relationships, but the finding was mostly limited to participants with stronger religious/spiritual beliefs. Use of the IPR within clinical practice can provide additional information on how the client perceives their interpersonal relationships, how much consideration they have for their own wellness needs, and their perception of justice-seeking behaviors.



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