Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Business Administration

First Advisor

Eun-Kyong (Cindy) Choi

Second Advisor

Hyun-Woo (David) Joung

Third Advisor

Katerina Berezina


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



During the COVID-19 pandemic, a rising trend for travelers is to stay at a local hotel, known as "hotel staycations," rather than traveling outside of their area. Despite the increasing popularity, empirical studies on customer behavior in the hotel staycation context are limited. Furthermore, existing studies have largely overlooked restorative qualities and service quality of hotel staycations, which can significantly influence customer well-being and satisfaction. To address these gaps, this study aims to examine the impact of restorative qualities and service quality on customers' perception of well-being and satisfaction with the hotel staycation experience by extending Kaplan's (1995) attention restorative theory. This research also investigates the influence of hotel service quality on customer satisfaction during hotel staycations using the Lodging Service Quality (LODGSERV) scale. Additionally, the current study explores how well-being perception and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty, as measured by revisit intentions toward the hotel, continuous intentions toward hotel staycations, and word-of-mouth intentions toward the hotel.

Data collection was conducted via Prolific using an online survey, resulting in a total of 320 responses retained for analysis. SPSS 26 and AMOS 27 were employed for data analysis, including descriptive statistics, Harman’s single factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural equation modeling to evaluate the measurement model and proposed hypotheses. Consequently, this study found that three hotel staycation restorative qualities (i.e., being away, extent, and compatibility) increase customer perception of well-being. Additionally, being away and compatibility positively influence customer satisfaction with the hotel staycation. Moreover, among service quality, tangibles and empathy have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the current study reveals that well-being perception enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, and customer satisfaction, in turn, reinforces customer loyalty. These findings contribute to the hospitality literature by highlighting the crucial role of restorative qualities and service quality in enhancing the well-being and satisfaction of hotel staycationers, which have been unexplored. The current study also provides insights for hotels to evaluate their restorative environment and service quality, enabling them to develop appropriate corporate strategies, including marketing and sales opportunities, tailored to specific customer segments.

Available for download on Thursday, July 24, 2025
