Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Engineering Science

First Advisor

Aimee Nezhukumatathil

Second Advisor

Melissa Ginsburg

Third Advisor

Erin Drew

Relational Format



Ghost Advice for the Ghost Month is a collection of poetry invested in the lineage of labor, language and migration, from that of the first Chinese immigrants who arrived in California in the 19th century during the Gold Rush to my parents, who traced this route from southern China to California, in their own immigration. These poems trace this lineage through acts of historical and contemporary lab2or; ghost stories and examinations of superstition; observations of plants and animals, both native and invasive; and museum pieces, which have been taken out of their original contexts.

Available for download on Thursday, March 05, 2026
