Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Anthropology


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Jodi Skipper

Second Advisor

Jay Johnson

Third Advisor

Matthew L. Murray

Relational Format



This thesis is the result of a goal-driven, applied anthropology project that assisted the City of Batesville in the opening of The Batesville Mounds site as a public park on November 21, 2017. Other goals of this project consisted of providing park planners with historical information on the pre-contact Native American occupation as well as past archaeological investigations at the site and to make recommendations for the future of the Park. In order to facilitate the City in this capacity, comparable mounds sites were visited, surveys and interviews were conducted, an inventory of Batesville Mounds artifacts curated at the University of Mississippi was created, and outreach to target audiences was administered. Analysis of the surveys assessed the public’s interest in visiting a mound park as well as the probability that present and future amenities would be utilized. The preliminary artifact inventory consisted of 21,555 individually counted items and 2300 bags of artifacts needing further analysis. Combining these results with information collected through site visits, interviews, and past research allowed for the development of informed recommendations for public outreach and education at the Batesville Mounds Park.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Anthropology Commons



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