Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Southern Studies

First Advisor

Andy Harper

Second Advisor

Katie McKee

Third Advisor

Melanie Ho

Relational Format



Tennessee’s Mississippi is a four-episode audio documentary preview of a future podcast in the making. It centers on Tennessee Williams’ Mississippi plays and stories and how they connect to the real cultural history of this state. Williams is known as an international playwright, and while much scholarship has been done on his work, very little has focused on the significance of Mississippi in creating a place identity for his characters for his most successful plays in the first twenty-five years of his career. This place identity is even more apparent when he begins to move away from using Mississippi in the 1960s and his work becomes more experimental and more focused on his character’s problems of the mind and less focused on the embodied problems of race, gender, and sexuality that he connects to a Mississippi landscape.

Bright Presentation



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