Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.S. in Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Scott Balkin

Second Advisor

Angus Mungal

Third Advisor

Richard S. Balkin

Relational Format



Long Creek Elementary School is a small, rural school with approximately 292 students in Sallis, Mississippi. Long Creek Elementary School has historically struggled with stronger parent involvement in their children’s school life. To address this concern, the administration, faculty, and staff at Long Creek Elementary School targeted barriers to parental involvement/engagement to increase community engagement/involvement in school life and connect the missing pieces between school and community. This has led to discussions of the creation of a parent center to provide parents with daily support and needed resources to contribute to their child/children’s academic success.

The purpose of this study is to increase parental and community involvement in school life and connect the missing pieces between home and school, thus improving student achievement and success at Long Creek Elementary. This was attempted through professional development, implementation of the Parent, Administration, Counselor, and Teacher (PACT) program, and development of the parent center. Long Creek Elementary School evaluated these initiatives and utilized resources to adjust these programs for use in the 2022-2023 school year.



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