Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Physics

First Advisor

Anuradha Gupta

Second Advisor

Luca Bombelli

Third Advisor

Leo Stein

Relational Format



The detection of over 90 compact object mergers involving black holes and neutron stars as gravitational wave events by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors over the course of three observing runs has ushered in the new era of gravitational wave astrophysics. Within a decade, we have transitioned from a detection to the population era, with a combined catalog of these events making it possible to study the population properties of compact objects, estimate their local merger rate, and provide clues as to how they can form binaries. This dissertation focuses on two particular displays of the dynamical dance seen in these mergers: the spins and wobbles of binary black holes (BBH), and the final remnant kick of binary neutron stars (BNS). Spinning and precessing BBH systems have their spin vectors misaligned with the binary's orbital angular momentum, and these spin tilts change as the binary evolves. Constraining these tilt angles can provide a valuable proxy to distinguish between BBH formation channels. We develop a new computational tool that allows us to explore how well we can constrain them with future, plus-era ground-based detectors, and how the inferred tilt posteriors change as we evolve the binaries back in time closer to their formation. We also present the first-ever numerical relativity-based estimates the linear recoil (or ‘kick’) received by the remnant black hole formed after a BNS merger. These recoils can be considerably high--as much as 150 km/s. We investigate the causes for such high recoils, and discuss their astrophysical implications. The thesis concludes with a chapter on how to communicate science effectively, and the importance of doing so, through various anecdotes.

Available for download on Tuesday, October 07, 2025
