Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Mathematics

First Advisor

Jeremy T. Clark

Second Advisor

Jeremy T. Clark

Third Advisor

Kevin Beach

Relational Format



We compare three models for a directed polymer in a random environment (DPRE): the rectangular lattice, the branching lattice, and the diamond hierarchical lattice. Our focus is primarily on the diamond model, in which the polymers traverse a recursively defined diamond graph with a random environment composed of random variables indexed by the vertex set. The diamond graphs are constructed iteratively according to a given branching parameter b ∈ {2, 3, 4, . . .} and segmenting parameter s ∈ {2, 3, 4, . . .}, and our main result concerns the critical case b = s. In this case, we prove a distributional limit theorem for the partition function in a limiting regime, where the growth of the system is counterbalanced with an appropriate scaling of the coupling strength of the polymer to the random environment. For context, we also provide discussion of a similar distributional limit theorem in the subcritical b < s case. This extends recent work in the critical case of analogous models where disorder variables are placed at the edges of the graphs rather than the vertices.



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