Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.C.J. in Criminal Justice

First Advisor

Rachel L. Greenspan

Second Advisor

Thomas Smith

Third Advisor

Brian Boutwell

Relational Format



Incels constitute an online community characterized by shared negative perspectives concerning masculinity, women, and societal norms. Platforms such as Twitter and Reddit have implemented content moderation measures aimed at curtailing the dissemination of incels' ideologies, which often promote violence and suicidal ideation. To observe the influence of content moderation on incel discourse, this study examined posts from two distinct incel forums: one subject to moderation and another without such restrictions. Employing thematic analysis, common themes within the posts were identified, and the occurrence of negative language was quantitatively assessed. Findings revealed that the moderated forum exhibited a higher prevalence of negative language compared to its unmoderated counterpart, thereby raising questions regarding the efficacy of content moderation strategies in mitigating the dissemination of harmful ideologies within online communities. The additional findings from the thematic analysis offer intriguing and innovative perspectives into the shared themes among forums, as well as the distinct themes that are exclusive to the unmoderated forum.

Available for download on Wednesday, October 07, 2026
