Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Education

First Advisor

Phillis George

Second Advisor

KB Melear

Third Advisor

Patrick Perry

Relational Format



The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate identifies the Dissertation in Practice as “a scholarly endeavor that impacts a complex problem of practice,” within its framework for Doctor of Education programs. This Dissertation in Practice is designed to help address the following problem of practice within the Northeast Mississippi Community College Honors Institute: despite numerous benefits, not all students who are eligible for admission and membership in the honors program will join. This Dissertation in Practice is divided into three manuscripts. Manuscript I provides rationale for why pursuit of this topic is important, including the author’s own positionality, conceptual framework, and a review of literature. Pertinent literature explores community colleges and honors programs, challenges for students, recruiting methods in honors programs, and the benefits of an honors education. To address the problem of practice, a program evaluation plan with the goal of improving recruitment and access to the Honors Institute at Northeast Mississippi Community College (NEMCC) is presented in Manuscript II. In Manuscript III, the author’s leadership philosophy and influences upon it are presented, with special focus on serving community college honors programs.

Available for download on Wednesday, October 07, 2026
