Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Education

First Advisor

Phillis L. George

Second Advisor

George McClellan

Third Advisor

Ty McNamee

Relational Format



This phenomenological qualitative research study examines a problem of practice as it relates to continued undergraduate enrollment and participation in service-learning programs. While graduation rates remain as a challenge for higher education, the continual enrollment of students that can hopefully lead towards graduation remains just as challenging. Service-learning programs, where students learn about societal issues through direct experience, may be a way for students to develop positive connections to institutions and other relevant skills that can lead to persistence and continual enrollment. This study explored the student experience and student perceptions of continual enrollment in the UM Bonner Leaders Program, a four-year, cohort-based, national service-learning program introduced to the University of Mississippi in August 2021. While many students left the inaugural cohort of the program after the first year of operations, results from this research study indicate that students who remain with Bonner are developing the necessary skills and experiences to stay continually enrolled at the University of Mississippi. Understanding the essence of the student experience in the UM Bonner Leaders Program can assist other practitioners who seek to build, enhance, or improve service-learning and continual enrollment on their own campuses.

Available for download on Wednesday, October 07, 2026
