"Exploring African American Female Students' Choice of STEM Major at Ru" by ShaTara Hall
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Education

First Advisor

Amy W. Dolan

Second Advisor

James Reid

Third Advisor

Macey Edmondson


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



In comparison to the rest of the United States population, African American women are undeniably inadequately represented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). As one of the oldest historically black colleges in Mississippi, Rust College has the social responsibility to increase the presence and contributions of minorities in STEM. Since the enrollment of African American females is greater than that of African American males at Rust College, the college has the fortuity to assist in increasing the diversity in STEM for both race and gender. This DIP utilizes Intersectionality Theory as the conceptual foundation to explore how African American female students at Rust College perceive Mathematics as a major for college and career. On an institutional level, this DIP seeks to inform both the immediate and expanded community of practice about how African American women choose their undergraduate STEM major. On a larger level, this DIP seeks to help scholarly practitioners and other key stakeholders improve practices and policies to assist in increasing the presence of African American females in STEM, and mathematics specifically.



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