"Acculturation and Seeking Campus Counseling Services among Saudi Inter" by Abdullah Almutairi
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Education

First Advisor

Stephanie Lusk

Second Advisor

Kenya Wolff

Third Advisor

Alexandria Hodges


University of Mississippi

Relational Format



This study adopts a phenomenological qualitative approach to explore and examine the acculturation process of Saudi students living in the United States, particularly in relation to their access to campus counseling services. The findings of this study identify five themes: 1) premigration expectations and realities, 2) journey of cultural adaptation, 3) navigating academic adaptations, 4) coping with acculturation and academic pressures, and 5) expectations of services provided by campus counseling experiences. This study highlights that the acculturation journey is a complex experience that affects Saudi students’ psychological well-being, which hinders their access to campus counseling services. The purpose of this is to study addresses the research gap that explores the interplay of acculturation and seeking campus counseling services, which shed light on the challenges and obstacles of this population through their acculturation process. Implications are provided for higher education policy, university counseling centers, and Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission.



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