Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Kerry Holmes

Second Advisor

Virginia Moore

Third Advisor

Jerilou Moore

Relational Format



The purpose of this study was to explore the impact literacy coaches had on Mississippi’s lower-performing schools. To guide the study, the researcher developed four research questions and four null hypotheses. The population of this study was derived from a sample of Mississippi students in Grades K-3 who were administered the Early Literacy STAR assessment for kindergartners and the STAR assessment for first through third-graders. This assessment was administered twice during the 2015-2016 school year. The pretest was given in August; the posttest was given in April/May. These students came from four different schools; two schools had literacy coaches and two schools did not have literacy coaches. The results demonstrated that schools that have literacy coaches had kindergarten students who demonstrated significant growth in reading when compared to their counterparts in schools that did not have literacy coaches. However, the results also suggested that schools that have literacy coaches working with second through third-grade students did not demonstrate significant growth in reading compared to their counterparts in schools that did not have literacy coaches; whereas, students’ literacy growth was actually harmed in first grade if literacy coaches were present.



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