"Main Street 2.0: A Guide To Online And Social Media Marketing For Smal" by Peter John Cleary
Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Journalism

First Advisor

Joseph B. Atkins

Second Advisor

Scott A. Fienne

Third Advisor

James A. Lumpp

Relational Format



This project is intended to serve as a guidebook for small businesses interested in developing digital marketing strategies to reach prospective and existing customers online. The guide will serve three main functions. The first is to provide a review of literature on integrated marketing communications, relationship marketing and content marketing to use as a foundation for planning online communications. Business owner interviews will also provide various perspectives to small business online marketing. The second is to provide instruction on evaluating existing website data to gain customer insight in planning communications. The third is a network structure for distributing content through multiple online platforms. The guidebook will assess data from small businesses in a university community as well as provide suggestions for developing an efficient and effective content distribution model using open-source content management tools.


Track: Academic

Included in

Marketing Commons



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