Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
M.S. in Engineering Science
Civil Engineering
First Advisor
Christopher L. Mullen
Second Advisor
Ahmed Al-Ostaz
Third Advisor
Elizabeth K. Ervin
Relational Format
For the design of steel frame structures, AISC outlines approaches of second-order analysis. In this study, two of these approaches are considered: Amplified First-Order Analysis Method and Direct Analysis Method. The methods were studied using SAP2000. Amplification of moments in a two-story plane frame subject to a wind load case is computed using both methods and shown to be of comparable magnitude for small deformations. ASCE/SEI 7 and IBC provisions were used to develop lateral design load conditions for the frames. In this study, a hypothetical building was assumed to be constructed in four different locations (Southaven, Batesville, Jackson and Gulfport) in Mississippi capturing a range of relative importance for these two hazards. For a three-story moment resisting frame building, second-order effects were developed for each column using the Amplified First Order Analysis Method. Interaction ratios were then used as the basis for establishing capacity of each column and thus critical members and dominant hazard at a particular location. As expected, Southaven and Batesville are shown to be dominated by the earthquake hazard and Gulfport by the wind hazard. Jackson is roughly equally influenced by both hazards. Jackson may thus be considered a boundary for dividing the state into seismic dominated versus wind dominated zones. This evaluation may give insight to building designers in preliminary design.
Recommended Citation
Shi, Yihong, "Column Capacity Evaluation For Low-Rise Moment Frame Steel Buildings In Mississippi Subject To Wind And Seismic Hazards" (2011). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 934.
Emphasis: Civil Engineering