Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Engineering Science


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

Byunghyun Jang

Second Advisor

Feng Wang

Third Advisor

Yixin Chen

Relational Format



Motion estimation is the most compute expensive part of high definition video compression. It accounts for more than 50\% of overall execution. Therefore, improving the performance of motion estimation can make significant impact on the overall performance of video compression. The performance of motion estimation can be improved in two aspects: algorithm and implementation. This thesis touches both aspects. We first propose an innovative motion estimation algorithm by replacing the traditional block matching method which comparing blocks pixel by pixel with a brand new method which based on lbp (local binary pattern) code. Our new method first encodes the original video frames into lbp code and then compares the blocks only using the lbp code. Our algorithm reduces the amount of computation significantly by avoiding many pixel by pixel comparisons present in traditional block matching approaches. Using public benchmarks our experiments show our proposed motion estimation algorithm runs 5 times faster than a traditional algorithm. Furthermore, we accelerate our proposed algorithm on gpus. Motion estimation processes of all blocks are offloaded to gpu and accelerated in parallel. Our gpu implementation runs 9 times faster than cpu implementation.


Emphasis: Computer Science



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