Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
M.S.E.S. in Exercise Science
Health, Exercise Science, and Recreation Management
First Advisor
Jasper M. Loftin
Second Advisor
Martha Bass
Third Advisor
Dwight E. Waddell
Relational Format
An equation recently published by Loftin, et al. (2010) was cross-validated using 30 subjects consisting of 10 normal weight walkers, 10 overweight walkers, and 10 distance runners. Gender was balanced across sub-groups. Participants walked or ran for 5 minutes at their preferred pace. Preferred walking pace was determined by six timed 50-ft trials and preferred running pace by the runner's typical training pace. Energy expenditure (EE) was determined via indirect calorimetry and reported in absolute units (kcal), and corrected to a mile distance. Body composition was assessed via DXA. EE per mile was predicted using the Loftin, et al. (2010) equation. The equation [Kcal = mass (kg) x 0.789 ? gender (men=1, women=2) x 7.634 + 51.109; R2 = 0.632, SEE = 10.9 kcal/mile] yielded a mean of 99.7 ± 10.9 kcal/mile which was significantly different (p < 0.05) than the measured mean of the cross-validation group (107.8 ± 15.5 kcal/mile). However, the mean was within the standard error of the estimate of the original equation. Further analysis included a Chow test which yielded no significant differences between regression coefficients of the original equation and the cross-validation (CV) group [Kcal = mass (kg) x 0.825 ? gender (men=1, women=2) x 1.687 + 47.6; R2 = 0.625, SEE = 9.82 kcal/mile] equation. Also, absolute EE per mile for the CV group was similar across sub-groups. It appears the Loftin, et al. regression equation is useful for exercise prescription in that it allows for the prediction of EE for either walking or running a mile in normal weight and overweight adults.
Recommended Citation
Morris, Cody Edward, "Cross-Validation Of A Recently Published Equation Predicting Energy Expenditure To Run Or Walk A Mile In Normal Weight And Overweight Adults" (2011). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 994.