Opening Session: Welcome and Award Presentation


Rowan Oak

Start Date

29-7-1990 5:00 PM


  • Welcoming remarks from UM Chancellor R. Gerald Turner and conference organizers
  • Presentation of Eudora Welty Awards in Creative Writing by William Ferris and Frances Patterson
  • Faulkner Write-Alike Contest: Background and Announcement of Winners by Doug Crichton, Willie Morris, George Plimpton, Dean Faulkner Wells, and Lawrence Wells

Relational Format

Conference Proceeding

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Jul 29th, 5:00 PM

Opening Session: Welcome and Award Presentation

Rowan Oak

  • Welcoming remarks from UM Chancellor R. Gerald Turner and conference organizers
  • Presentation of Eudora Welty Awards in Creative Writing by William Ferris and Frances Patterson
  • Faulkner Write-Alike Contest: Background and Announcement of Winners by Doug Crichton, Willie Morris, George Plimpton, Dean Faulkner Wells, and Lawrence Wells