Welcome Session with Awards and Readings


Johnson Commons

Start Date

20-7-2008 7:30 PM


Welcome remarks by Mayor Richard Howorth and Dr. Gloria Kellum, UM Vice Chancellor for University Relations. William Faulkner Society Fellow, Donald M. Kartiganer. Presentation of Eudora Welty Awards in Creative Writing by Ted Ownby. Brother Will and Colonel Jim: Video Interviews with Jimmy Faulkner by Chris Cranford.

Relational Format

Conference Proceeding

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Jul 20th, 7:30 PM

Welcome Session with Awards and Readings

Johnson Commons

Welcome remarks by Mayor Richard Howorth and Dr. Gloria Kellum, UM Vice Chancellor for University Relations. William Faulkner Society Fellow, Donald M. Kartiganer. Presentation of Eudora Welty Awards in Creative Writing by Ted Ownby. Brother Will and Colonel Jim: Video Interviews with Jimmy Faulkner by Chris Cranford.