Panel 20. Faulkner And War: Perspectives From Japan


Nutt Auditorium

Start Date

24-7-2024 3:30 PM


  • A Fable, Postwar Japan, and the Voice of Pacifism / Satoshi Kanazawa
  • Walking “Amicably” with Flem Snopes: The Spanish-American War, Manfred De Spain, and a Democratization Through Military-Industrial Agency in The Town / Koichi Fujino, Seinan Gakuin University
  • In the Shadow of Godzilla: Memories of the Pacific War and Faulkner’s Visit to Japan / Arinori Mori, Chukyo University

Relational Format

Conference proceeding

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Jul 24th, 3:30 PM

Panel 20. Faulkner And War: Perspectives From Japan

Nutt Auditorium

  • A Fable, Postwar Japan, and the Voice of Pacifism / Satoshi Kanazawa
  • Walking “Amicably” with Flem Snopes: The Spanish-American War, Manfred De Spain, and a Democratization Through Military-Industrial Agency in The Town / Koichi Fujino, Seinan Gakuin University
  • In the Shadow of Godzilla: Memories of the Pacific War and Faulkner’s Visit to Japan / Arinori Mori, Chukyo University