Graduate Theses and Dissertations in History
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
"Partnership Housing:" Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter, and the Politics of Self-Help, Colton Babbitt
The Bishop and the Jesuit: Catholic Influence on Succession Polemic in the Long Seventeenth Century, Troy Dallas Bone
Godspeed: American Evangelicals and the Space Race, Kari Edwards
Remembering the Civil War in Indian Territory: Conflict, Commemoration, and the Birth of a State, 1861-1965, Sarah Elliott
Black Oasis in a Hostile Desert: African Americans and the Making of Race and Place in Phoenix, Arizona 1890-1970, Donald R. Guillory
Bigger than Bees: Victorian England’s Relationship to the Bee – Considering Symbolism and Understanding, Grace Jacqueline Kaim
"'This May Not Be War, But Rather Statesmanship': Sherman's March Through Griswoldville, Milledgeville, and Greater Savannah", Matthew Ryan Lempke
Montesquieu: The Nature of L’Esprit des lois, Christian Jax Murray
Traces of Elaine Tomlin: The Lone Black Female Staff Photographer for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Alysia Steele
Evolving to Abstraction - Seclusion of Efik and Ibibio Women from the Precolonial Era to the Present, Itunuoluwa Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Voices from Below: The Politics of Leprosy Control in Southeastern Nigeria, 1926-1960, Odinakachukwu Kingsley Eze
The Crisis of White Supremacy in the Antebellum South: Poor Whites, Slavery, and the Coming of the Civil War, Jeffrey Glossner
"Dug Way to Liberty": Newspapers, Prison, and Jim Crow in Georgia in The Early 1900s, Avery Elise Gross
Food Retailing in Mississippi, 1895-2000, James R. Gulley
“Mississippi’s Greatest Minister”: A Historical Study of Cornelius W. Grafton’s 61-Year Pastorate, 1873-1934, David Thomas Irving
Slavery, Antislavery, and Masculinity in Kansas and Kentucky, Spencer King
Humanitarian Capitalism: Displaced Persons Resettlement in America, 1948-1952, Andrew Joseph Marion
Queer Community in Charlottesville, Virginia: Contradictions, Ambivalence, and Fragmentation, Cecelia Parks
Oh Men of Justice! Petitioning in Protectorate Bahrain 1919-1939, Ashleen Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A History of Freed Slaves' Homes in Northern Nigeria, 1900-1926, Ajibola A. Abdulrahman
The Few Among the Many: Women's labour in British Guiana Prisons, 1838-1917, Estherine Gwendoline Adams
The Ties that Bind: Creole Networks and Reform in New Granada during the Age of Revolution, 1780-1811, Philip John Baltuskonis
James S. Allen and Communist Organization of the Depression South in the 1930s, Jonathan Dale Harwood
Instruments of Culture: Refashioning the French Empire between the French and Haitian Revolutions, Will Collier Little
Fighting Exclusion: Women in the Palm Oil Industry in Ghana Since 1957, Grace Okine
Reimagining Mississippi: Black Power and the student activist plight to dismantle white supremacy, Jasmine Stansberry
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
"No Place in American History": Remembering and Forgetting the Sultana Disaster, Elias John Baker
An American Pilgrimage: The 1968 Poor People's Campaign Mule Train As Prophetic Social Performance, Cheston M. Bush
"Slums Are Our Most Expensive Luxuries": Little Rock's Metroplan and the Making of the Neoliberal City, 1939-1980, Monica N. Campbell
For Country and Company: Consolidating Power through Development and Company Towns in Saudi Arabia, 1947-1969, Andrew Nicholas Czuzak
"Between the two Great Battlefields:" Scottish Medical Women's Encounters with the Eastern Front, Fiona Gale Holter
"Beyond the Lines": A Reassessment of Civil War Prisons, Beth Kruse
Opening the American University: African American, Latino/a, and Women's Activism in Higher Education and Postwar Politics, 1964-1985, Jillian Elizabeth McClure
Blood Money: 12th Century Trade Wars and the Fourth Crusade, Alexander Evgeniy Stalowski
Soul Liberation: Black Christian Intellectual Engagement with Black Power, Jemar Tisby
Development or Detriment? The World Bank and Economic Disincentives to Water Conservation: Jordan in the 1960s and 1970s, William Chase Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Contraband Camps And The Freedmen's Bureau During The Civil War And Reconstruction, Kristin Bouldin
A War Of Ideas: L.Q.C. Lamar And American Political Thought, Ashley Steenson
Labor In The Field Is Much Changed: The Chickasaws And The Civilization Plan, 1790-1837, Jeffrey D. Washburn
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A bargain at any cost: the rise of dollar general, Frances Evelyn Barrett
A balm for the times: the origins and evolution of the lost cause in the South Carolina low country, 1830-1876, Andrew Patrick Davis
Not All Scholars, But Gentlemen: The Making of Virginian Manhood at St. Christopher's School, 1911-1969, Katelyn Frazer
She Lived, and Served, and Died: Caroline Barr, Black Domestic Workers, and the Threat of Memory in Lafayette County, Kaimara Herron
To sink our national character: slavery and national character in the U.S. house of representatives, 1789-1820, Jessica Johnson
Courtroom Wars: Constitutional Battles over Conscription in the Civil War North, Nicholas Matthew Mosvick
Whistle Before You Work: Defining Paid Labor in the New Deal State, 1938-1947, Thomas Porter
My Feet Are Chained: Settler Colonialism and Mobility in the Florida Borderlands, 1812-1866, Christine Antoinette Rizzi
Identity, Dissent, and the Roots of Georgia’s Middle Class, 1848-1865, Thomas Robinson
Constructing and Crossing Color Lines: Race and Religion in the Southern Confluence, 1810-1865, Justin Isaac Rogers
Populism and Democratization in the Presidential Election of 1832, Laura Ellyn Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Church Adrift: Virginia's Church Of England, 1607-1677, Katherine Gray Blank
Slavery's Holy Profits: Religion and Capitalism in the Antebellum Lower Mississippi Valley, John Lindbeck
I'm Gonna Stay Right Here Until They Tear This Barrelhouse Down: Black Power and the Origins of Blues Tourism in Greenville, Mississippi, Tyler DeWayne Moore
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Succeeding King: Ralph David Abernathy, SCLC, And The Long Civil Rights Movement, Scott Blusiewicz
Revolutionary fathers: Republican fatherhood and the American Revolution and early republic 1763-1814, Travis Jaquess Jaquess
Beyond Isolation: The Mississippi Delta in a Global World, Stella D. Lindsey
Diplomacy Of Pirates: Foreign Relations And Changes In The Legal Treatment Of Piracy Under Henry VIII, Jamie Deanna Sessions
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Corruption Of Promise: The Insane Asylum In Mississippi, 1848-1910, Whitney E. Barringer
The Exigencies of War: Black Military Service, Free Labor, and Education in Civil War Missouri, Miller Williams Boyd
The design of the southern future: The struggle to build white democracy at the University of Mississippi, 1890-1948, Thomas John Carey
Cavaliers And Crackers: Landless Whites In The Mind Of The Elite Antebellum South, Jeffrey Glossner
Nixon's FBI: The Bureau In Crisis, Melissa Graves
The Twenty-Sixth Amendment, Russell James Henderson
Take the Mountain: The International Order of Twelve Knights And Daughters of Tabor and The Black Health Care Initiative in the Mississippi Delta, 1938 – 1983, Katrina Rochelle Sims
The Bawdy Bluff: Prostitution in Memphis, Tennessee, 1820-1900, Aran Tyson Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Please Don't Forget About Me: African American Women, Mississippi, And The History Of Crime And Punishment In Parchman Prison, 1890-1980, Telisha Dionne Bailey
Missouri! Bright Land of the West: Civil War Memory and Western Identity in Missouri, Amy Fluker
English Identity and Muslim Captivity in the Mediterranean, 1580-1640, Joel Gillaspie
Transformation Of The American Mafia, 1880-1960, Connor Anthony Hagan
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Is This Freedom? Government Exploitation Of Contraband Laborers In Virginia, South Carolina, And Washington, D.C. During The American Civil War, Kristin Leigh Bouldin
Memory In Mississippi: Imagining Women's Place In Interwar Political Culture, Rachel Mclemore
Democracy For Whom?: The Spanish-American War, The Philippine-American War, World War I, And The NAACP, Amanda Marie Nagel
Sectionalism, Nationalism, And The Agrarian Revolt, 1877-1892, Benjamin Houston Turner Purvis
That Spanified League: The Elizabethan Catholic Community and Resistance to the Jesuits, Thomas Ridgedell
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Grounding The Counterculture: Post-Modernism, The Back-To-The-Land Movement, And Authentic Enviroments Of Memory, Jonathan Bowdler
Christ and Class: The Protestant Episcopal Church in the South, 1760-1865, Ryan Lee Fletcher
Creek Corridors Of Commerce: Converging Empires, Cultural Arbitration, And The Recourse Of Gulf Coast Trade, Kevin T. Harrell
There Is A Gnawing Worm Under The Bark Of Our Tree Of Liberty: Anti-Mission Baptists, Religious Liberty, And Local Church Autonomy, John Lindbeck
Prairie, Property, and Promise: Black Migrants and Farmers in Kansas, 1860-1885, Keith Dennis McCall
Neither Slave Nor Free... : Interracial Ecclesiastical Interaction In Presbyterian Mission Churches From South Carolina To Mississippi, 1818-1877., Otis Westbrook Pickett
Slavery, Secession, and Sin: Religion and Dissent in the Upcountry South, 1820-1865, Douglas R. Porter
The Rule Of Three: Federal Courts And Prison Farms In The Post-Segregation South, Gregory Louis Richard
Plain Folk Recovered: Class, Property And Agriculture In Lawrence County, Alabama, 1850-1860, Joseph Thomas Richardson
Recipes Exist In The Moment: Cookbooks And Culture In The Post-Civil War South, Kelsielynn Ruff
Revolutionary-Era Republicanism As Championed By Nathaniel Macon And John Randolph Of Roanoke, Barbara Hensley Shepard
The Fearful State Of England: The Amalgamation Of Fin-De-Siècle Anxieties And Anarchist Outrages In The Public Deconstruction Of The Liberal State, 1892-1911, David R. Speicher
John Brown, Martyer for the Cause of the Blacks: John Brown, the Haitian Revolution, and the Death of American Slavery, Wes Trueblood
Shaking Reconstructed Apples from Secessionist Trees: Beyond Ordinances of Secession and Civil War, Audrey Michele Uffner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Rituals of Resistance: The Life, Lynching, and Legacy of L.Q. Ivy, Hannah Maureen McMahan
Maintaining Intact Our Homogeneousness: Race, Citizenship, & Reconstructing Cherokee, Rachel Purvis
Perfect Harmony: the Myth of Tupelo's Industrial Tranquility, Wendy D. Smith
There Is No Dishonor in Desertion: Army Racial Intolerance and African-American Soldiers' Desertion, Steve Wallace
Nothing Less Than an Activist: Marge Baroni, Catholicism, and the Natchez, Mississippi Civil Rights Movement, Eva Elizabeth Walton
Deeds, Not Words: African American Officers of World War I in the Battle for Racial Equality, Adam Patrick Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Games That Will Pay: College Football and the Emergence of the Modern South, Matthew Bailey
Good Neighbors: Agents of Change in the New Rural South, 1900 to 1940, Thomas Wayne Copeland