Transfers from 8mm Film

Lytle family film: reel 11. Cotton 2


Lytle Family




Some of the images and language that appear in the digital collections depict prejudices that are not condoned by the University of Mississippi. This content is being presented as historical documentation to aid in the understanding of both American history and the history of the University of Mississippi. The University Creed speaks to our current deeply held values, and the availability of this content should not be taken as an endorsement of previous attitudes or behavior.


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African American man riding horse toward camera, close up of African American man on horseback, African American man rides away tractor, men on horse and tractor meet in field; close up and wide shots of tractor in field, African American man walking toward camera, African American man smoking cigarette with tractor in the background, African American man smoking cigarette working on tractor wheel, African American man standing in field with tractor and other laborers in the background; Saturdays mean pay and play at the store title card; wide shot of landscape, African American man walking down dirt road, African American man standing by fence; two African American women in dresses and hats carrying African American children; close up of African American child with white baby doll; two mules pulling wagon with African American man; African American woman and mules, young African American man and woman with wagon and mules; shot of mule with Texaco sign and store in background; three African American men stepping out of automobile; U.S. Post Office Perthshire. Miss. sign; African American men in front of store on porch, African American boy looks into camera; young African American standing against wall at storefront, Royal Crown Cola thermometer sign, man passing by camera with boxes of Ball Fruit Jars; African American woman with dress and hat drinking from glass bottle and holding brown grocery bag, young African American girl next to woman; three African American women with dresses and canes sitting together; African American getting into passenger seat of automobile; African American men in automobile, African American man leaning against automobile, African American man sitting on car hood; African American men with cow, close up of older and younger African American men; young African American boys and girl on bicycles; African American man and woman outside of automobile, row of automobiles, African American woman sitting in the back of parked car; African American men huddling; African American man getting into passenger seat, close up of African American man in driver's seat pulling out of parking space; African American man cranking the front of automobile, man driving off through parking lot; The chopping plowing rhythm of cultivation goes on. title card; African American man mounting white horse and riding off; African American man riding horse toward camera, mules and African American laborers in field; shot of field on foggy day; close up of plants in field; wide shot of dirt road, field, and wooden house on foggy day; group of young African American men in a row chopping cotton, dogs fighting beside them, and older African American watching in the background; African American man working in field; close up shots of crops in field; shot of article titled ËœDe Next Time I Seen de Boll Weevil with pictures of boll weevils; African American man working in field; close up of hands holding plant and boll weevil coming out; boll weevil placed on napkin on top of newspaper for camera to see, newspaper headline Auditors Lose Economy Fight As ËœCost Plus' Construction Soaks Up Millions At Milan and more, newspaper dated Sunday Morning August 17, 1941 out of Memphis, Tennessee, close up shots of boll weevil; close up of Arsenate of Calcium label; close up of Poison label from General Chemical Co. out of Baltimore, Maryland; close up of John Deere tractor being operated by African American man spreading; small plane in field, close up of Crop Dusting J.R. McDaniel Ft. Pierce, Fla. on side of plane; white men and young white girl with doll at plane, white men going over map, shot of plane from on board plane, plane taking off in field, plane crop dusting field; close up of front of plane; close of cotton plants in field

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Amateur films; Families; Sharecropping -- Mississippi; Aerial spraying and dusting in agriculture

Relational Format

video recording



Original Format

8mm (photographic film size)

Original Collection

Home Movie Collection (MUM00709), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries.


In Copyright;


B-wind color reversal. Kodachrome stock. Perforation damage and rough splices. 16 FPS.

A complete shot list is attached below as an additional file.

lytle.pdf (79 kB)
Shot List

This document is currently not available for download.
