"Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports" by Meredith George

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Denise Soares

Second Advisor

Kayla Crook

Third Advisor

Susan McClelland

Relational Format



The purpose of this thesis is to examine the history, characteristics, and efficacy of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as a substitution for traditional exclusionary discipline practices in response to negative and disruptive behavior in schools. Disruptive behavior is a significant concern for classroom teachers; effective solutions for minimizing disruptions are necessary to curb teacher burnout and improve attrition rates. PBIS relates to an implementation framework as opposed to a singular behavior program, therefore schools have a multitude of intervention options when adopting a PBIS approach to behavior. Three PBIS strategies (restorative circles, token economy, self-monitoring of performance) are described and evaluated in this paper to illustrate PBIS principles in action. Results of the review of literature indicate a strong association between PBIS and improved outcomes for students both in academic achievement and behavior, which in turn have a positive impact on teacher perceptions of self-efficacy.

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