"5G Technology, U.S. - China Race, And the Competition for Dominance" by Rhodes M. Walker

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Public Policy Leadership

First Advisor

Mark Chen

Second Advisor

Wesley Yates

Third Advisor

Gang Guo

Relational Format



For much of the 21st century, the United States and China have been competing to determine which world superpower will have the upper-hand for decades to come.The creation of 5G networks has raised new questions which are imperative to understanding the outlook for the competition between the United States and China for global dominance. This thesis sought to answer the question: Why would implementing the first 5G networks be the key to global dominance for the next decade or longer? In addressing this question, this thesis discusses the current state of 5G networks in China, the U.S., and Europe and puts the 5G technology and networks in the context of U.S.-China race and competition for dominance. This thesis projects that China will implement 5G technology before the United States, which will give China advantages in the economic, cyber, and political sectors and could very well give China the advantages in U.S.-China race and competition for dominance in the foreseeable future. A deeper understanding of the importance of 5G networks would have significant policy and security implications for the U.S. Data for this research were compiled from primary and secondary sources through archive research as the methodology.

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