"On the Nature of Collaboration" by John Walker

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 4-23-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Jos Milton

Relational Format



The senior recital is in and of itself a Capstone project in the Department of Music—a culmination of one’s undergraduate years. Preparation of such a program, especially a collaborative recital with a peer, demands much of a voice student’s attention. However, the nature of this preparation is a relative unknown among the non-musical spaces of academia. Presented with an opportunity to develop my senior recital with Brittany Parry, a student of the new Master of Music in Collaborative Piano, I chose to reflect upon our novelty recital experience in this Capstone paper. The energy we devoted to our rehearsals and coachings proved that, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, musical growth and artistic development can continue. Via a conversation with Adrienne Park, dozens of sessions with Brittany, and countless hours poring over musical scores, I gained a new perspective of collaborative music making that will inform the preparation of my future musical endeavors.

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