"Analyzing case studies and the different uses of accounting knowledge" by Meghan Foley

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

Mark Wilder

Relational Format



The purpose of this thesis was to further my accounting knowledge outside of traditional classroom learning. Throughout my time at Ole Miss, I had not used my accounting class work outside of the classroom. I was able to apply the knowledge to practical real life issues.

I participated in 11 case studies that each targeted a different topic of the accounting profession. The early cases related to my choice of specialty and city, whereas the final cases delved deeper into economic implications of accounting and finance.

I learned a great deal about real world accounting while writing this thesis. I came to the conclusion that accounting has impacts that reach farther than just auditing public companies. It can help predict results of operations of companies as well as help impact the economy.

Accessibility Status

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Included in

Accounting Commons



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