"The Politics of Everyday Subversion: Crisis, COVID-19, and Coming-of-A" by Abby Flickinger

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 4-19-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Croft Institute for International Studies

First Advisor

Marcos Mendoza

Second Advisor

Oliver Dinius

Third Advisor

Jesse Cromwell

Relational Format



This thesis seeks to explore the impact of converging political, economic, and public health crises in Córdoba, Argentina in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on youth and practices of protest and resistance. Utilizing interviews, participant observations and ethnographic data in addition to economic and public health statistics, media coverage, and government statements I establish the basis and context for this triple crisis, as well as the tactics appropriated to criticize the government and expression disillusionment — protests and subversion. Despite modifications to public health concerns, the Argentine democratic tradition of protesting returned against government wishes, and became a canvas of expression for new subversive meanings to enhance movement messages. Protests also became a place to express local culture and youth subculture, as young people appropriated private and public spaces to recreate cultural practices in an attempt to rebuild a sense of normalcy. Cognizant of the nuance and complexities of pandemic management, young people sought not to rebel and topple the government, but rather entered a state of self-governance, choosing to undermine government protocols they deemed unnecessary to return themselves to a sense of normalcy the government had failed to, and to reconstruct a semblance of the future that has been dismantled by the ensuing triple crisis.

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