"Systematic Review of Race/Ethnicity in Parkinson's Disease" by Amia Fisher

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-2-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Communication Sciences and Disorders

First Advisor

Toshikazu Ikuta

Second Advisor

Hyejin Park

Third Advisor

Gregory Snyder

Relational Format



The goal of this study was to examine race/ethnicity with an emphasis on African Ancestry in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) through a systematic review. Out of 448 scholarly articles that were originally extracted from the search, 445 were excluded due to their irrelevance regarding race/ethnicity and African ancestry in PD. Three scholarly articles were obtained through a PubMed/MEDLINE search for the review. Amongst the three sources that were chosen, there were more than 450,000 participants with PD that ranged in ages 40-65+; each case of PD within these studies were reported from 1993-2005. The varying races/ethnicities of White/non-Hispanic White, Black/African American, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino were included in these three studies. During the systematic review of the studies, the first study concluded that the PD rate per 100,00 was highest in Whites with 2,168.18, Asians with 1,138.56, and lowest in Blacks with 1,036.41. In the second article, Whites also had the highest rate of PD with 54 cases per 100,000, Latinos following with 40, and lastly, African Americans with 23. In the third and final study, contrastingly, Hispanics had the highest incidence rate per 100,000 of 16.6 while non-Hispanic White rates followed with 13.6. In the same study, Asians had a rate of 11.3 per 100,000, and lastly, Blacks with a rate of 10.2. Based on the systematic review of the three sources, PD varies by race/ethnicity, and it is less common in Blacks/African Americans. Further research and closer examinations of PD regarding the influences of biological and social factors will enhance future discoveries of Parkinson’s Disease.

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