Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Amy Wells-Dolan

Relational Format



This thesis describes student engagement patterns for the University of Mississippi and analyzes those patterns to identify possible positive and negative educational trends at the University. A review of scholarly literature addressing student engagement and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) survey provides additional context for understanding the importance of this work and analyzing the findings. The review of scholarly literature seeks to define student engagement and discusses the importance of student engagement. The review of scholarly literature also seeks to explain NSSE and its attempt to measure levels of student engagement at institutions of higher education. The review of scholarly literature pertaining to NSSE also includes a critic of the survey. The institutional analysis draws from the University of Mississippi’s NSSE reports from 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 which are made available on the University’s Office of Institutional Research and Assessment website. The analysis indicates that overall, the University of Mississippi appears to have more areas of strengths than areas of weakness in the University’s programs and activities. The analysis concludes that thirty NSSE items show a positive educational trend. These thirty items represent six different survey content areas. The analysis reveals that only five items indicate a negative educational trend. These five items represent two different survey content areas.

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