"Chinese Popular Opinion Towards the One Child Policy" by Alyssa W. Yuen

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Croft Institute for International Studies

First Advisor

Gang Guo

Relational Format



Alyssa W. Yuen: Chinese's Popular Opinion Towards the One Child Policy (Under the direction ofDr. Gang Guo)

The One Child Policy has been implemented since 1980, and is the world’s longest implemented population control policy. Popular opinion towards the policy is inevitable. This thesis attempts to explain the rationale behind the One Child Policy, the impacts the policy has had on China socially, economically, and environmentally, and the effects the policy has had on the Chinese population. The research question for this thesis is, "What affects Chinese popular opinion about the One Child Policy?”

The first section ofthis thesis illustrates the impacts the policy has had economically, socially, environmentally, and morally. Through the qualitative section, the researcher is able to determine which demographics have been impacted the most from the policy.

The second section utilizes the information obtained in the first section to produce quantitative data. Through the analysis from the first section, the researcher created a theoretical framework to guide her during the research process, and then determined which variable to include in the study. The variables included in this study were: ethnicity, martial status, income, locale, age, education level, and gender.

The researcher used a binary logistic regression to test the relationship between the dependent variable (Support ofthe One Child Policy) and the nine independent variables. The regression showed that ethnicity and locale had the most impact on whether someone support or does not support the One Child Policy. This answer agrees with the researcher's second half of her theoretical framework.

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