Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Theater and Film

First Advisor

Rene Pulliam

Relational Format



Unlike most fields, performing is an occupation that does not require formal education. However, most performers need training to perfect their craft in order to be successful. Higher education is one training outlet that is used by some performers, but not many. In a performance degree program at an institution of higher education. performers are not just trained in the art, but they are also taught about the business of the theatre industry. Although, often, what is taught is not enough knowledge for performers to truly succeed and make theatre a lifetime career. This thesis is directed towards an audience of talented young performers who have the possibility to succeed in the musical theatre industry once they know how to manage themselves effectively in the trade. Acting as a “how to" guide for a majority of performers who do not choo.se to spend a large amount of money on higher education, this beneficial, condensed guide should be used by all performers, educated or not. Experts in the field report seeing performers making common mistakes that act as a detriment on their career, and this guide is meant to fix these common mistakes, providing aspiring performers with the only “formal education” that they need in addition to their talents. It is made up of extensive personal interviews, lectures, and various academic sources. Furthermore, the advice found in this guide has been tested and proven successful. I encourage all aspiring performers to read this before entering the industry and then continue to reference it throughout their careers.

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