"Practicum in the Study of Financial Accounting" by Laine Keel

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-7-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

W. Mark WIlder

Relational Format



This paper was intended to be a practicum in the study of financial accounting. The different sections encompass many distinct aspects of the field and was completed over two semesters. Each section had a goal to investigate a specific area related to accounting, and my mission was to focus on this area and express my thoughts on the section. To do this, I would explain how each topic was related to accounting and how that would affect me in my future positions – often alone but sometimes as a part of a group. Additionally, this deep dive into the various aspects of accounting culminated in a project where our groups used their knowledge to complete a tax assessment, an audit, and an advisory engagement on a publicly traded company. As a group, we then turned this into a presentation and expressed our opinions to a panel of industry professionals and professors. Overall, this practicum allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the field in which I hope to practice in the future and opened my eyes to the many distinct aspects of the real world that relate to accounting.

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Accounting Commons



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