"Case Studies in Accountancy" by Michael Keene

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

W. Mark Wilder

Relational Format



Case Studies in Accountancy is a compilation of case studies completed in fulfillment of ACCY 420. My cases are titled as followed: A Tale of Two Cities, Financial Statements, Presidential Debate, Tax Cuts and Job Act and Taxodus, Professional Interview, Financial Crisis, Case Competition Amazon Overview, Case Competition Amazon Audit Analyst, Case Competition Amazon Tax Advisor, Case Competition Amazon Advisory Consultant and Case Competition Amazon’s Equity Position. These cases covered a variety of topics in the world of accountancy as well as touching on our personal lives. In the first semester of the course, cases were typically individual before moving onto our group case competition in the spring. Our group consisted of Mary Grace Gaines, Niland Fortenberry, Sahara Karki, ShaCori Ruffin, and me and we decided to analyze Amazon. This thesis is a culmination of all our work throughout the year in Honors Accounting.

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