"Redesigning Nasogastric Feeding Tubes to Prevent Dislodgement" by Sydney Ruth Rester and Shelby Lynn Berry

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Troy Drewry

Second Advisor

Nikki Reinemann

Third Advisor

Joanna Harrelson

Relational Format



Seniors at the University of Mississippi studying biomedical engineering complete a senior project that seeks to solve a problem in healthcare. Our team, composed of Sydney Rester, Shelby Berry, Andrew Ulmer, and Alex Bromley, sought to improve care associated with nasogastric feeding tubes. We identified two major problems: clogging and tube dislodgement. To address the problem of dislodgement, the team crafted a new feeding tube design with a balloon attachment. The attachment prevents a patient from pulling the feeding tube out and keeps the tube from dislodging due to normal patient movement. We further determined that our tube should be made of silicone and printed a prototype with acceptable dimensions. Future works with this device will include producing a second prototype made of medical grade silicone, testing the prototype in animal subjects, patenting our device, and seeking FDA approval for our device so that it can be used in a clinical setting.

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