Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Anne Cafer

Second Advisor

Susan Pedigo

Third Advisor

Lynn Woo

Relational Format



This study was performed in order to try to discover ways in which the American healthcare system can improve and become more affordable for its citizens. The main focus was to see how implementing a universal healthcare system could benefit the United States. I analyzed aspects of many different universal healthcare system structures and chose aspects that I think should or should not be included in a revised version of the US healthcare system. There was a strong focus on the aspects of Japan and Costa Rica’s healthcare systems. I also pointed out weaknesses in the US healthcare system that definitely need to be addressed. Within the study, I concluded that the United States charges its citizens far too much for their healthcare services, and performs worse than many comparable countries of similar economic prowess. I concluded that aspects of a universal healthcare system could prove to be beneficial in reducing these high costs and providing helpful coverage to millions of Americans who are uninsured.

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