Honors Theses

Date of Award

Fall 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Stephanie Miller

Second Advisor

Carrie Smith

Third Advisor

Misa Kayama

Relational Format



Self Determination Theory (SDT) theorizes that when three core psychological needs are met (i.e., competence, relatedness, and autonomy) then humans reach their highest level of optimization (Deci & Ryan, 2000). One common way people tend to satisfy these needs is through social relationships, typically ones where their efforts can be reciprocated; however, not all relationships are reciprocal. This study looks at the psychological needs within an asymmetrical relationship between a parent and their toddler aged child. Given an already established relationship (Smith et al. 2023) between need satisfaction and the types of goals parents have for their college aged kids (i.e., self image or compassionate goals), this study will look at whether or not there is a relationship between need satisfaction and goals in parents of toddlers. In this study I look at the relationship between need satisfaction and parenting goals in parents with 14- to 24-month-olds. I found that there was not a significant relationship between the two variables, although there was a positive correlation between autonomy and self image goals. This work suggests that there may be different relationship patterns between need satisfaction and goals when children are younger than when they reach adulthood. More work is needed to fully understand the complexities of this relationship.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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